Kabaret Skeczów Męczących in Światowid!

We invite you to a performance full of humour and fun! On December 10, Centrum Spotkań Europejskich "Światowid" in Elbląg will host the Kabaret Skeczów Męczących with the "Polish Space Mission" program. It's going to be fantastic fun! Join us!


Kabaret Skeczów Męczących „Polish Space Mission” - 10/12/2022 r. 4.00 pm, sports and entertainment hall of CSE "Światowid" in Elbląg

We're going into space! Are you coming with us? The Polish comic mission was established to explore the most distant corners of the soul of an ordinary Pole. Because who we are is a real cosmos. Since everything is best viewed from a distance, the KSM will help you lift a little above the Earth. You will laugh, be surprised, and sometimes indignant. You will see yourself, your neighbours, and our society in all its colours.

In a light state of weightlessness, you will feel how much fun you can have and how entertainment can take you to a different orbit. It is a comic mission on the scale of our abilities. A mission that opens the eyes of unbelievers. Ours, made by us ... and this is not our last word.

Tickets can be purchased:

  • online
  • at the ticket office of the Center for European Meetings "Światowid". The ticket office is open from Monday to Friday from 14.30 to 20.30. On Saturdays and Sundays from 11:30 am to 8:30 pm
  • at the ticket machine in the lobby of CSE "Światowid" (card payment) from 8: 00-21: 00


Światowid invites you to cooperate!
If you have head full of ideas and would like to start conducting interesting classes, workshops, meetings, and the only thing that limits you is the lack of a place where you could pursue them ... Światowid comes to the rescue!

We have modern, fully equipped spaces. Professional rooms allow you to conduct thematic workshops (theatre, painting, handicraft, photography, etc.). Our offer includes the following studios: fusing, graphics, ceramics, weaving and handicrafts, room for experiencing the world, painting studio, children's studio, and a theatre room. Come to Światowid and see what our rooms look like.

We invite you to cooperate with CSE Światowid!
Write, come or call:
Tel: 55 611 20 59
mail: aleksandra.bednarczuk@swiatowid.elblag.pl

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