The second webinar in the "Zaprogramowani na czytanie" series. This time, the following very interesting issues were raised.
1) the impact of reading (individual and collective reading of books) on the child's psychophysical development, key competencies and universal skills;
2) reading books and the needs and competencies of children and youth,
3) selection of books for the child appropriate to the age and specific developmental needs;
4) the use of innovative activating methods in expanding the child's reading passion;
The film featured:
Marlena Derlukiewicz - consultant for the Polish language, reading and developing creativity at the Warmia and Mazury Teacher Training Center in Elbląg, author of the Polish language textbooks "Słowa na start" for grades IV-VI and her granddaughter Laura.
Songs used in the video:
Barbara Supeł, Staś Pętelka. Brat czy siostra, Wydawnictwo Zielona Sowa
Julian Tuwim, Rzepka, [w:] Julian i Irena Tuwim, Tuwim dzieciom, Wydawnictwo Nasza Księgarnia
Lidia Ippoldt, Komputerowe królestwo Bobrusia, [w:] Bajkowa niania. Bajki pomagajki dla najmłodszych, Wydawnictwo PROMO
Zagadki dla maluszka, opracowanie Anna Podgórska, Wydawnictwo Aksjomat
We invite you to watch: webinar Marleny Derlukiewicz
The webinar was created as part of the project entitled "The book matters - every generation reads it." Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund.