Fabric weaving and arts and crafts - can it be interesting? Come to classes at the Centrum Spokań Europejskich "Światowid" in Elbląg and find out. Weaving is a traditional activity which has been known for thousands of years. However, interweaving colourful yarns can also be great fun for adults.
The classes use techniques such as batik, macrame, wet and dry felting and sewing. The above-mentioned techniques will contribute to the creation of decorative and utilitarian items, such as, among others, placemats, furniture, bags, jewellery, rugs, cushions, flower covers, mascots, clothing items and much more. Special creative expression will be able to be expressed by working with experimental fabric, which allows the maker to go outside the box and look for new artistic solutions.
While threading yarns, strings and fabrics, the manual dexterity of the fingers, eye-hand coordination and the sense of touch are trained. Weaving, contrary to appearances, is not boring. While working, the participants are absorbed in the selection of colours and textures, so that the final effect is a coherent whole. The instructor aims to develop the participants' interests and personal growth.
If you would like to create a unique textile with your own hands by interweaving the threads of the weft and warp, we invite you to the workshop. The Centrum Spotkań Europejskich "Światowid" in Elbląg hosts cyclical classes in weaving and artistic handicraft for adults. The workshops are held every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The workshops are led by Anna Karatkiewicz.
Date and place | Wednesdays, 18:00-20:00, Centrum Spotkań Europejskich "Światowid" in Elbląg
Registration and more information | aleksandra.bednarczuk@swiatowid.elblag.pl, tel. 55 611 20 59
Cost 150 PLN/month