Easter Folk Art Fair is over

Crowds of visitors came to the "Światowid" European Meeting Centre in Elbląg. Everyone was attracted by the smell of regional dishes and the desire to buy Easter decorations for the table. The 11th edition of this fair is over. See photos and video.

Yesterday we had the opportunity to participate in the Easter Folk Art Fair "Funeral of Żur and Herring". From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., visitors could look at the stands with Easter treats or Easter decorations.
- I have been making handicrafts for six years, purely as a hobby and to make retirement more pleasant. I made everything on this table myself. The materials are ecological, recycled to be precise - says Halina, who sells handicrafts.
- I think this time before Easter has influenced today's crowd. I am delighted with the interest of the locals, who like folk products. It is good that they appreciate our work - remarks Ms Krystyna.

Apart from the colourful eggs, baskets and bunnies, the jewellery stalls also attracted attention:
- I have been creating for a year, so it is still new to me. I know that it is worth trusting your intuition when choosing a gemstone. We instinctively direct our gaze to the stone that is meant for us. This is because of its attractive energy - adds Marta, who is a jewellery maker.

The fair was very popular, with Elbląg residents queuing up in large numbers to buy handicrafts. Although the aim of many visitors was also to admire the talent:
- We are impressed, these crafts are beautiful, it takes a lot of effort to make something like this. We admire and appreciate as we don't have such skills ourselves - said Mr Arkadiusz, who came to the Fair with his wife Mrs Justyna.
- They are created by incredibly talented people. We believe that handicraft is experiencing a renaissance because they used to be so common. If something captivates us, we don't even hesitate for a second - we buy the item - Ms Justyna reflected.

Nowadays, handicrafts are starting to be appreciated again. Mass production and the junk clothing that floods us from all sides means that we are increasingly looking for something special, unique and out-of-the-ordinary. Visitors to the Easter Folk Art Fair Funeral of Żur and Herring appreciated the diversity of the assortment:
- It's great that something like this is organised at all. I take part every year, you never know what to look at with so much stuff - Ms Danuta says enthusiastically.
- Most fairs I know are held outside. It's warm here, so we don't have to worry about weather conditions, and that's important, especially for seniors - adds Ms Bożena.

This year's edition of the Easter Folk Art Fair "Funeral of Żur and Herring" was attended by 50 local exhibitors and 11 with regional food. They came to us from, among others, Ustka, Malbork, Stare Pole, Nowy Dwór Gdański and Kisielice. Talented Elbląg residents also made an appearance.

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