International exhibition "The Wodnicki Family and Watercolourists" in Światowid

The "Światowid" European Meeting Centre in Elbląg invites you on 19 April (Wednesday) at 6 p.m. to the opening of the exhibition entitled " Rodzina Wodniccy i Akwarelistki" ("The Wodniccy Family and Watercolourists"). The exhibition has an international character - artists from Poland, Sweden and Norway will participate. The exhibition will feature a variety of artistic techniques, including painting, artistic textiles, ceramics, drawing and watercolour. The entrance is free. Come and join us!


A word from the exhibition curator Krzysztof Cywiński:

"Does Art know no boundaries? These and other similar questions are asked on the occasion of cultural events or in artists' studios all over the world. An eternal dilemma tormenting the more sensitive viewers and artists. A question without an answer? Well, no! Art certainly knows no borders; it is the only cosmopolitan creation that escapes supervision, speaks a universal language and is the most important means of communication for those who wish to speak it.

And what about the creators? Here the matter seems simple... they have no choice, as they are condemned to a life without borders. This exceptional need for freedom, the desire to express themselves through art, causes strong reactions. The Wodnicki family, three generations of artists, is their love of freedom so great that it is passed on to the next generation, or do they possess, apart from their undoubted talent, something we all dream of, but do not dare to reach for? The life of an artist is not paved with roses, it brings with its failures, weaknesses and anger, but it is all as if by conscious choice. Decisions once made remain with all the consequences for the rest of one's life. Condemned to solitude in their studios somewhere in Norway, Sweden, Poland and elsewhere, they try to realise their visions, using many techniques. They struggle with their workshop, their consciousness, wanting to convey an image of their world and often succeeding, we marvel, thank and admire them by tearing apart the boundaries of imagination. There are no boundaries here, only geographical, political and those we mark for ourselves remain. Fortunately, in art, they have never happened. This time of creation often comes years later, the watercolourists from Sweden are proof of this. Often, professional work makes it difficult to realise one's dreams, but there comes a time when hidden passion bursts forth, the need to transcend boundaries returns, the sense of freedom is so strong that it becomes paramount, and from this is born mature creativity, supported by years of study, workshops and outdoor events, proof that you can do anything if you want to.

I would like to invite you to a unique artistic event " Rodzina Wodnickich i Akwarelistki", such exhibitions happen very rarely, thanks to the kindness of the European Meeting Centre "Światowid", Fundacja Sztuka Edukacji (Foundation for the Art of Education), the Artists participating in this project, you can watch and experience this unique moment with excellent art. I hope that you will feel that wonderful feeling of freedom, you will travel to the world of art so artistically calculating, this time the world has come to Elbląg and let it stay there."


The exhibition will be open until 18 June 2023 during the opening hours of CSE "Światowid" in Elbląg.

Date: 19 April (Wednesday), 6 p.m.
Place: 1st - 2nd floor, Nobilis Gallery, CSE "Światowid" in Elbląg

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